Thursday, 24 February 2011

Tuesday, February 22nd

Well, it certainly has been a busy 1st week of the semester, with lots of assignments already needing to be completed within the next couple of weeks. 

1. create a stop motion stroke by stroke animation consisting of 360 photographs. This was a challenging project as both cameras that i had borrowed where faulty. But after a lot of trial and error managed to get one of them working but still had a lot of problems with it's focus function.
Decided to use calligraphy text onto black card using white gouache for the animation. Had to do several re-writes whilst trying to get the camera to function properly. Learnt lots about what not to do: firstly get to know the camera I am going to use very well, so that i know how to correct any function problems. Secondly avoid writing on black as it caused a lot of problems when lighting it, and had to just use natural daylight for the best representation of the black, indoor lighting causes the card to look greyish brown.
2. take several photos that can be used in After Effects.
3. decide on a way to create a video with the theme 'FIRE'.
4. write a proposal in detail about the equipment needed and cost of setting up a video installation. Be aware of the location of the installation.
5. design an installation to go with the FIRE video (have never done anything like this before).
6. take at least 40 photos to be collaged into 1 single image - re: David Hockney style

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